Women's Cycling Books
Cycling world star Ed Pavelka has written the definitive guide for the millions of women who have discovered that cycling is a fun and sociable way to stay healthy. Geared toward the beginning- and intermediate-level cyclist, this handy manual focuses on specific information and advice for women. Topics updated for 1999 include women's bikes and saddles, clothing and gear, medical concerns, tours and competitive opportunities, and riding during and after pregnancy. |
A classic from our proven cycling list gets a fresh new look in this wholly revised and updated edition of the book no woman on the road (or trail, for that matter) should be without. New cool stuff includesan expanded chapter on off-road and mountain biking, full color photos illustrating the latest in bike technology--and featuring inspiring shots of real cyclists, from everyday commuters to international racers--and up-to-the-minute info on retailers, distributors, tours for women, bike-friendly youth hostels, bicycle clubs, and much more. Indeed, everyone from the nervous novice to the seasoned cyclist will find something to love in this accessible, fun-to-read guide. |
This concise book, illustrated with 30 photographs, is written from a woman's perspective and explains how to have the most fun, and avoid the pitfalls, of cycling. It explains how to select the right kind of bike, its component, accessories, clothing, and other items, and explains in detail how to get the correct size. It also shows women how to deal with the (to this date still male-dominated) bike shop and how to make sure you are treated with respect and get the service you deserve. |
Gale Bernhardt has been instructing and coaching athletes since 1974. In this book she shows women cyclists how to select and customize their bikes, design an optimal-performance plan, and meet their riding goals. She includes important information about women's health and nutritional needs, and tips to make cycling more comfortable. |
The first guide to this exciting, fast-paced, demanding sport by and for women. Which manufacturers make bikes and accessories especially for a woman's shorter torso, smaller hands, and narrower hips? How can a woman ensure she's getting the best possible service at a male-oriented bike shop? What exercises can a woman do to improve her upper body strength and thus her ability to enjoy long climbs and challenging trails? How can a woman prevent a sore rear-end on a bumpy ride? These and scores of other questions are answered in Women's Mountain Biking. With enthusiasm enough to infect even the skeptic, Jennifer Kulier shows that mountain biking --including tough, single-track riding --is very much for women too. She inspires and informs novice cyclists and experienced riders alike with this complete guide, providing the latest information on equipment, riding techniques, and safety, as well as practical tips from women mountain bikers that the guys won't know. This once-macho sport is waking up to the power of women, who are joining the ranks of mountain bikers in ever greater numbers. It's time for women's particular requirements and concerns --from bike size and frame design to extreme techniques and off-road repairs --to be addressed. Kulier does so carefully, candidly, and from a woman's perspective. From 1996 to 1997, women's participation in on-road mountain biking rose by 45.5 percent (the greatest annual increase of all 59 sports surveyed), and in off-road mountain biking women's participation rose by 8.8 percent, the ninth greatest increase, according to National Sporting Goods Association statistics. |
In 1893 Frances Willard was at the height of her power and influence as leader of the women's social reform movement. It was also a time when bicycles were wildly popular. And so, when her doctor recommended she exercise out-of-doors, Willard was determined to learn to ride. It was not easy for a woman in her fifty-third year, hampered by long skirts, but she was eager for the challenge. She hoped her example would help other women seek "a wider world." She saw cycling as a way for women to gain independence, develop confidence, and be seen by men as equals in skill. A best-seller when originally published a century ago, Willard's fascinating account of her adventure continues to enchant and inspire readers today. An introduction by Edith Mayo, curator of political history at the Smithsonian Institution, describes the life and work of Frances Willard and her role as an early leader of the women's movement. The book concludes with an illustrated essay on the history of women and cycling. |
Frances E. Willard (1839-1898) was widely known in the United States and abroad for her social reform efforts. Her causes included temperance, women's suffrage and education, eight hour workday, prison reform and public kindergarten. She served as president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union from 1879 until her death in 1898, building it into the largest women's organization of its time. She also founded the World WCTU, the first international organization of women. She was a popular and prolific writer, outstanding educator, astute politician and strong advocate for the emancipation of women. |